Sunday, November 22, 2009

Operation Christmas Child

Last Sunday Calvary wrapped shoe boxes, filled them with gifts and prepared them to send off. Each fall, as a church we enjoy participating in Operation Christmas Child. Every November shoe boxes filled with gifts are collected around the US and sent to children all over the world. This ministry seeks to shares Jesus with children thru gifts, and the story of Christ.

Megan (part of Calvary) has a family member who actually received one of these boxes when he was a child. Below is what he had to share with us-

I remember growing up, between the 2nd and the 6th grade we would get these gifts every year. About Christmas time every all of us in our school would be waiting anxiously for the 2 large semis that would pull into our school yard to deliver the boxes. I remember being so excited because it was always such unique stuff in each box and really cool too. These boxes brought so much hope to us back then and laughter and joy were all around also each box had a little note from the person who packed it and also how to receive Jesus into your hearts.
I think that the greatest thing for me though is seeing how things changed over time and how God worked in my life and blessed me so much and being able to pack some of these boxes myself and knowing exactly how these little kids feel when they receive them. It's truly priceless and I am so thankful to God for every little thing He's done for me. Let's get packin'.

Monday, November 9, 2009

From James and JEMJ Ivory Coast

Thanks to the generous support of the Calvary Baptist Church Flagstaff and other individuals , our christian ministry ( JEMJ) was able to purchase some useful materials for the evangelization in Jacqueville, Ivory coast.
I would like to thank you all on the behalf of our brothers and sisters back there in Ivory Coast.
Your support will help bring the Gospel of Jesus-Christ to the Alladjan , Ahizi and Akouri people of Jacqueville.
Attached are pictures of the materials and JEMJ leaders gathered for a thanksgiving prayer session.
May the Lord Jesus-Christ keep on blessing the Calvary Baptist church members and leaders.

James Ahikpa

The materials are:

1 amplifier
1 mixer
2 loudspeakers
3 microphones
micro cables

God bless you in Jesus .